Welcome to Dragon Petroleum
Croeso i Dragon Petroleum
Dragon Petroleum is Wales’ premier fuel and lubricant distributor. We supply residential, agricultural and commercial customers throughout North Wales. With over 60 years of strong local ties and quality service, we have remained an integral part of the community, known for our reliability and efficiency.
Dragon Petroleum yw prif ddosbarthwr tanwydd ac iraid Cymru. Rydym yn cyflenwi cwsmeriaid preswyl, amaethyddol a masnachol ledled Gogledd Cymru. Gyda dros 60 mlynedd o gysylltiadau lleol cryf a gwasanaeth o ansawdd, rydym wedi parhau i fod yn rhan annatod o’r gymuned, sy’n adnabyddus am ein dibynadwyedd a’n heffeithlonrwydd.
Your Local Fuel Supplier
Supplying fuel to homes, farms and industry for over 60 years.
Cyflenwi tanwydd i gartrefi, ffermydd a diwydiant am dros 60 mlynedd.

— For Your Home
Keeping you warm throughout the year. We're the heating oil experts.
Eich cadw'n gynnes trwy gydol y flwyddyn. Ni yw'r arbenigwyr olew gwresogi.

— For Your Business
We can drive your business forward by supplying top quality fuels and lubricants.
Gallwn yrru'ch busnes yn ei flaen trwy gyflenwi tanwydd ac ireidiau o'r safon uchaf.

— For Your Farm
We are specialist suppliers to the farming community.
Rydym yn gyflenwyr arbenigol i'r gymuned ffermio.
Our Difference
What makes us so different to our competitors? It’s heart and soul that the Dragon Petroleum workers put into each order when ensuring that our oil tanks are delivered to our customers within the set expected time. Each sales and distribution centre is run as an independent unit, with the local manager enjoying a high level of autonomy. On top of being experts in customer service, and going the extra mile every time, we track all of our tankers.
We know where your delivery is and have the latest metering systems on all our vehicles (fully approved by HMRC and Trading Standards) so there is never any confusion about how much oil we have put in to your tank.
Beth sy’n ein gwneud ni mor wahanol i’n cystadleuwyr? Mae’n galon ac yn enaid y mae gweithwyr Petrolewm y Ddraig yn ei roi ym mhob trefn wrth sicrhau bod ein tanciau olew yn cael eu danfon i’n cwsmeriaid o fewn y set
Get a free quoteWhy Dragon Petroleum?
Our passionate team have strong Welsh roots and are a significant part of what makes it so well respected.
Mae gan ein tîm angerddol wreiddiau Cymreig cryf ac maent yn rhan sylweddol o’r hyn sy’n ei barchu mor fawr.
Award-winning drivers, who not only undergo continual training and possess the latest qualifications, but take pride in everything they do to ensure the highest standards when delivering to your home.
Gyrwyr sydd wedi ennill gwobrau, sydd nid yn unig yn cael hyfforddiant parhaus ac yn meddu ar y cymwysterau diweddaraf, ond yn ymfalchïo ym mhopeth a wnânt i sicrhau’r safonau uchaf wrth gyflawni i’ch cartref.
The depot is operated by local people who can cater to both English and Welsh speakers, Dragon Petroleum offers a unique, friendly and local service.
Gweithredir y depo gan bobl leol sy’n gallu darparu ar gyfer siaradwyr Saesneg a Chymraeg, mae Dragon Petroleum yn cynnig gwasanaeth unigryw, cyfeillgar a lleol.
You will also have access to an extensive supply of fuel which is stored in every region to guarantee you will receive your home heating oil without any problems; even during periods of high demand.
Bydd gennych hefyd fynediad at gyflenwad helaeth o danwydd sy’n cael ei storio ym mhob rhanbarth i warantu y byddwch chi’n derbyn eich olew gwresogi cartref heb unrhyw broblemau; hyd yn oed yn ystod cyfnodau o alw mawr.